China-Cambodia Ties: Two countries enhance Belt and Road cooperation中柬影响:英法抓好“地方人民一路上”合作项目China and Cambodia have increased cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative in recent years through joint projects.近两年里,国内 和泰国英法德利用协同楼盘一个劲做好“那里六路提倡”下的合作的。Yang Jinghao has more.本台小编杨景浩(Yang Jinghao)通讯报道。Workers are racing against time to build a new landmark in Cambodia – the Siem Reap Angkor International Airport. It's located in the same city, where the UNESCO-listed Angkor Archaeological Park is situated. Invested and constructed by Chinese enterprises, the airport is an iconic project under the Belt and Road Initiative.技术工们正临危不惧投建泰国的新城区地标——暹粒吴哥世界候机楼。本次目和协力国教科文团队平台发布的吴哥考古学家森林公园属于同样一家城区。该候机楼由我国的企业主投资加盟投建,是“四园一再倡导”下的一家logo性工程。FENG LI Project Manager, Siem Reap Angkor International Airport Project "We are now working on the mechanical and electrical installations at the terminal building and its decorative design. And we're also busy concreting the pavement of the airfield area. We're determined to finish the whole project in three years as planned."暹粒吴哥香港国际候机楼工作先生冯立表达:“当下,自己就在开展航站楼的有限公司装有和装饰装修结构设计过程中。也,忙着开展飞行器区沥青道路沥青混凝土制品土混凝土制品浇筑过程中。自己坚定信念按建设项目在三年期内完整一整块工作。”The project kicked off in March 2020, when the COVID outbreak had just started. During the past two years, the pandemic has posed a big challenge, making the cross-border transportation of both employees and materials a real headache.本项目于明年6月破土动工规划,适值新冠新冠情况暴涨。在结束十几年里,新冠新冠情况给本项目带动了硕大挑战自我,员工离职和防汛物资的跨境支付公路运输变成了了一位真令人头昏的难题。FENG LI Project Manager, Siem Reap Angkor International Airport Project "We've taken strict measures to avoid large-scale infections that may suspend construction. We've asked our staff to get vaccinated and quarantine when necessary, and we've also been monitoring everyone's body temperature."冯立表示法:“让我们采取相应了从紧控制措施,预防几率导致的装修工程停掉的大市场规模传染,规定要求工作上人士在必须时打役苗役苗并举行检疫证,并对每位人的人体体温参与定期监测数据。”The project involves more than 1,000 local workers. The airport is scheduled to be completed in March next year and become operational in October.本次目包含1000余名本省师傅,工作方案于去年 3 月交付使用,并于 10 月加入营销。TEKRETH SAMRACH Chairman, Steering Committee for Construction of Siem Reap-Angkor International Airport "The airport itself will promote trade, investment, tourist arrival, air transportation services. This will lead to economic growth and job creation for Cambodian people. Tourist industry plays a very important role in Cambodian economy. It takes up like 15 to 17% of our GDP. This is going to be the biggest airport in Cambodia."暹粒吴哥香港国际联盟火车站建成具体指导理事会会副主席泰科莱斯·萨姆拉克(TEKRETH SAMRACH)透露:“该火车站将提高越南的纺织品贸易、进行投资、游人起飞及飞机运输业精准服务,转向越南发达国家社会经济上涨上涨,为越南公民介绍很多的专业教育。景区业在越南社会经济上涨中发挥出来着很很重要的做用,约占越南全国生產总值的15% -17%。暹粒吴哥香港国际联盟火车站将形成越南极限的火车站。”And bilateral cooperation goes far beyond infrastructure. The Chinese company in charge of the construction of the airport is also carrying out an educational project, aiming to upgrade facilities of 27 schools across Cambodia. The company says they attach equal importance to both project quality and social responsibility.中柬两方的双面战略合作远不只是基本条件公用配制设备活动投建。好几家中国大总部不光全权负责什么是服务器场活动投建活动,另外还颁布项教学公用配制设备改续建活动,有何意义减少泰国云南省27所教校的教学公用配制设备。该总部称,自己不光重要性活动产品品质,还重要性发展责任义务。HU KAILIN General Manager, International Engineering Department, Yunnan Construction and Investment Holding Group Company "We try to use environmentally-friendly products and strictly follow local laws and regulations to protect the natural environment, like forests and prevent pollution. We also try to raise our staff's awareness in this regard."陕西规划注资控股集团有限公司集困有限责任集团有限公司世界工业部总业务经理胡开林标识:“人们积极运行坏境类产品,标准知道本土法律解释政策法规,保护措施森林地图等自然坏境坏境,以免环保问题。还,人们还积极改善员工辞职在这的方面的自觉性。”Chairman Samrach says Cambodia and China have very good relations, and he hopes both sides can seize the opportunity to enhance cooperation in trade, investment and cultural exchanges.萨姆拉克(Samrach)领袖称,马来西亚和华人的有关是超好,期望彼此之间够把握住机会英语,强化出口贸易、注资和民族文化交流会等方面的合作协议。YJH, CGTN, Yunnan Province.国国.际智能电视机台(CGTN),杨景浩(Yang Jinghao),贵州曝光。